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Smiles all around for these junior vascular students because finals are officially over!!! Winter term here we come🫀🥳 #vasculartechnology #vascularstudent #medicalimagingtechnology #vascularsonography #vascularultrasound #sonographystudent #sonographer #ultrasound #medical #klamathfalls #oit #oregontech #med #education #health #medicalstudent

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“I am so lucky to be part of such a tight-knit group of students. We have the best professors in the world which makes OIT such a staple in the medical imaging community! From not knowing Vascular Technology existed, to learning how much of an impact we can have on our patients lives, OIT Vascular Technology is an incredible program that I am grateful to be a part of!” -Erika Simpson #junior #vascularstudent #vascularimaging #medicalimagingtechnology #mit #oit #oregontech #klamathfalls #vascularultrasound #vascularsonography #ultrasound #sonographer #medical

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Kassidy Kightlinger and JT Edmondson, Civil Engineering students at Oregon Tech, have been selected as recipients of Douglas P. Daniels / Coral Sales Scholarships- scholarships established to help support Transportation engineering students at universities in the Pacific Northwest. Read all about Kassidy and JT at: #OregonTech #PhilanthropyFriday

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Meet senior vascular students, Eugene and Anna! They are both on externship at Peripheral Vascular Associates in San Antonio, TX. “We feel so lucky to be making it in a program that allows us to help others that really need it, as well as travel to places like Texas where the southern twang and yummy brisket flows like the blood in our patients veins and arteries! VAS 4 LIFE😝!!!!!” #vascularstudents #vasculartechnology #vascular #senior #medicalimagingtechnology #oit #oregontech

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Congratulations to Lauren Krueger, Leif Tuel, Cassidy McDowell, Caroline Schulze, and Devin Anderson- winners of the 2020 Bill Kloos Traffic Bowl competition! These OIT Civil Engineering student members of the ITE Student Chapter took home first place during the annual event, which pitted the Northwest’s brightest transportation students and professionals against each other to test knowledge of transportation planning and engineering. 🏅👏