Lecturer, Composition Program, English
Coordinator for First-Generation Initiatives
(2018-2022) Assistant Course Director, Writing 39C, English
M.F.A., UC Irvine, 2016, Fiction
Research Interests
Creative Writing, First Generation Experiences, Climate Change, Creative Nonfiction
Humanities Pathways to Success First Generation Student Community and Belonging in the Humanities
"First Gen Forum" — Lucid Issue 1, Borders & Belonging
Lucid Issue 2: Transitions and Transformations
Short Biography
B.A. English, UCLA (2009)
M.F.A. Creative Writing, UCI (2016)
Editor, Lucid (sites.uci.edu/lucid)
"The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car: A Bumpy Ride to a Cleaner Future" https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/hydrogen-fuel-cell-car-bumpy-ride-cleaner-future
“Tape,” Orange Coast Review, Spring 2016
“Caliphate” Review, podcastreview.org, July 2018
“Death in Ice Valley” Review, podcastreview.org, July 2018
“The Teacher’s Pet: What Happened to Lynette Dawson?” podcastreview.org, October 2018
“Serial Season 3: Episode by Episode,” podcastreview.org, November 2018
“Fabcast,” podcastreview.org, Forthcoming
“L.A. Ups Its Bagel Game,” Tablet Magazine, 2019
“Ivan the Terrible,” Jewish Review of Books, 2020
“The Real Nazi Hunters,” Tablet Magazine, 2020
“Here Today,” Faultline, 2020
Courses Typically Taught:
- Writing 50
- Writing 60
Themes Typically Taught:
- Writing 50: Zines and the Rhetoric of Change
- Writing 60: Climate Change
Email: slerner1@uci.edu