Financial Aid Package

Students accepted into the Graduate Program receive a financial aid package that allows them to live and study at UC Irvine. A description of the different type of financial aid can be accessed here.

Additionally, there is a range of small fellowships funded by the School of Humanities available to all graduate students in the different programs of the School. Typically, these fellowships allow students to participate in regional, national or international conferences, to engage in sustained research outside UCI or devote time to the writing of their dissertation.

Our Department provides small fellowships for conference travel. Additionally, starting in their second year students have the opportunity of teaching summer courses to supplement the University stipend.

Applications for fellowship opportunities inside the School or the department are normally announced via email. Information is also available in the Humanities Center section of the School of Humanities website.

All fellowships and financial opportunities administered by the School of Humanities and the Spanish Department are competitive. Admittance into the program does not guarantee access to this funding.

Graduate Division Fellowships



Fellowship Opportunities

Diversity Fellowship is designed for domestic graduate students from cultural, linguistic, geographic and socio-economic backgrounds who would otherwise not adequately be represented in graduate education. This fellowship is also based on student’s merit and his/her contribution to the diversity of their discipline/graduate program.

Please note that all fellowships are based on funding availability. 

For entering students

This award is designed to aggressively recruit distinguished Ph.D. and M.F.A. students who are entering the first year of graduate study. Superior qualifications and academic record required. The Dean’s Fellowship for Ph.D. students includes a stipend of $16,000, all regular student fees, and the payment of nonresident tuition, if applicable, for the first year of study. Students may also receive a subsequent three-year eligibility for TA support from the Department (appointment dependent on availability of funds and the needs of the Department’s instructional program). In addition, the student is offered priority housing in one of the on-campus housing facilities.

This is a two-year award for outstanding entering Ph.D. students. Students who receive this award should be released from employment obligations during the fellowship years. The Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship for Ph.D. students includes $18,000 in stipend over a period of nine months, a summer stipend of $3600, and student fees. The second award year is offered in the third or fourth year and includes $18,000 in stipend over a period of nine months, a summer stipend of $3600, and student fees.

The Graduate Opportunity Fellowship for entering Ph.D. students includes $18,000 in stipend over a period of nine months, a summer stipend of $3600, and student fees.

For continuing students

The award is for third- or fourth-year Ph.D. students who have not advanced to candidacy. The distinct purpose is to assist recipients in acquiring and developing advanced research skills under faculty mentorship. At the end of the year, it is expected that the student mentee will have developed a substantial research paper worthy of publication in a scholarly journal. This award includes a $18,000 in stipend paid over a period of 9 months) plus student fees and are eligible for up to $500 for conference presentation travel expenses.

The Dissertation Year Fellowship is intended for students who are in their final year of graduate school and who are planning to start teaching and research appointments soon after the end of their dissertation fellowship year. The fellowship is open to all doctoral candidates who are advanced to candidacy at the time of nomination, and are within one year of completing the dissertation. The award includes $18,000 in stipend (tenure: 9 months), registration fees, and $500 research/travel allowance to support visits to other universities for presentation of dissertation research. Dissertation fellows are required to present a seminar on their dissertation research twice during the program year: once at an appropriate department/group function at UCI and once at a UC, CSU, or independent California university. President’s Dissertation Fellows and their faculty mentors are required to participate in the Fall Conference hosted by UCOP at UC Berkeley.

$500 is available to students invited to present a paper at a conference (pending available funding). Acceptance letter and department approval are required. Awards are up to $500 per trip (maximum of 2 trips per academic career).