Celebrating Korean Writer Han Kang--the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature Laureate
Time: Oct. 25 (Friday) at 11:30am-1:30pm
Place: HG 1030
**Lunch included
Han Kang is the first South Korean writer, the first Asian woman and the eighteenth woman to win Nobel Prize in Literature. In this luncheon event, we will catch a glimpse of her-albeit on tape—sharing her thoughts and views of her writings as she spoke at UCI CCKS conference earlier this year. Speakers at the event will introduce her prize-winning novels such as The Vegetarian (2016 Man Booker International Prize) and Human Acts (2017 Malaparte Prize of Italy). Reading and discussing parts from Han’s poetic prose, The White Book (2016) as well as Greek Lessons (2011) will be an added feature. There will be a display of her novels both in Korean original and in English translation including the Korean original of the soon to appear in English as We Do Not Part (2024 Médicis Prize of France).
Please use this link to register: https://forms.gle/jBoY9KrGg7Y3yBdHA