Please join us at Humanities Gateway 1010 on Friday May 5th from 9:30am until 7pm for the annual UCI Comparative Literature Graduate Conference (reception and dance party to be held at the Verano Community Center from 8pm onward). Below is the schedule for this year's conference "Work in Progress". Please help circulate if possible.
Humanities Gateway 1010 (from 9:30AM-7:00PM):
9:30AM-10:00AM Breakfast
10:00AM-10:15AM Introductory Remarks
10:15AM-11:15AM Panel I: “Fragmented Images”
Yeekwan “Vanessa” Wong, “Work in ‘Process’: Accumulation of Times in Lou Ye’s Suzhou River (2000)”
Yue Xiaoyang, “Goodbye and Hello: Translocal Zainichi Identity in Matsue Tetsuaki’s Personal Documentary Annyong Kimchi”
Respondent: Serk-Bae Suh
11:15AM-11:30AM Break
11:30AM-12:45PM Panel II: “Sights, Songs, and Spoils”
Mo Brouwer, “The Spoils of the Ditch”
Mell Rivera Díaz, “Singing America Brown”
Dylan J. Taylor, “From Torridity to Territory, or the Origins of Cartographic Reason: Heuristics of Colonial Dominion, Visual Culture, Spatial Representation”
Respondent: Liron Mor
12:45PM-1:45PM Lunch
1:45PM-2:45PM Panel III: “Sensational Presents”
Anannya Mukherjee, “There’s Something About Larry: Canon, Conspiracy, and the Cosmic Cycle of the One Direction Fandom”
Haley Suh, “Sensational Little Women”
Respondent: Jane O. Newman
2:45PM-3:00PM Break
3:00PM-4:15PM Panel IV: “Uses, Limits, and Scenes”
Boz Deseo Garden, “The Use of Practice”
Jameson Austin Leopold, Introduction to “Man Over: Chrysippus, Oedipus, and the End of the Law of the Father”
Morgan Slade, “The Limits of Defense”
Respondent: Catherine Malabou
4:15PM-4:30PM Break
4:30PM-6:00PM Keynote: Jackie Wang, "Thinking Extemporaneously"
6:00PM-7:00PM Dinner
Verano Community Center (from 8:00PM onwards):
8:00PM Reception & Dance Party
We'd like to thank the Department of Comparative Literature, the International Center for Writing and Translation, the Humanities Center, the Culture and Theory Program, UCI Critical Theory, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, and the Department of European Studies for all of their support. For the most updated conference information, head to https://workinprogress2023.tumblr.com/.