As part of its mission to spark new knowledge, foster vibrant intellectual communities, and ignite conversations that matter, the Humanities Center awards grants to School of Humanities faculty to support research, conference travel, publications and collaborative activities that build intellectual communities. Grant cycles take place in Fall, Winter and Spring quarters depending on the program.  The Humanities Center's internal grant streams are funded through the Academic Senate (CORCL), the UCI Office of Research, and the UC Humanities Network.

If you have questions about faculty grants, contact Amanda Swain at You can also schedule an in-person, Zoom or telephone appointment here.

All open grant calls and application guidelines are available on the Humanities Center InfoReady website:

Faculty Grants

All Humanities Center internal grant and funding opportunities use InfoReady for applications. To access InfoReady, visit:

If this is your first time using InfoReady, login with your UCI Net ID, and edit your profile (top right navigation bar) to include your primary department.

Visit for all upcoming grant deadlines.

The following guidelines are for reference only.

Open grant calls and current application guidelines are available on the Humanities Center InfoReady website:

Faculty and/or graduate collaborations may apply for up to $2,000. Centers and research clusters already supported by the Humanities Center may apply for up to $1,500.

The Humanities Center supports collaborations that foster vibrant intellectual communities. The new Building Intellectual Community grants provide funding for limited-term sets of activities that bring together colleagues on the UCI campus, in the Southern California region, or from elsewhere to engage in discussion and collaborative activities around a shared intellectual interest. These grants replace the previous Collaborative Conference grants by expanding the range of activities that can be funded and clarifying the purpose of the funding.

These collaborations should engage faculty and graduate students across disciplines. Building Intellectual Community grants may be used to support:

  • academic conferences, symposia or colloquia;
  • a series of events, such as speakers or film screenings, with a unifying theme during a quarter or the academic year;
  • academic trainings (such as new methodologies across disciplines);
  • work groups for fields that cross disciplines.

Building Intellectual Community grants may also be used for limited-term activities that bring humanities research to public spaces or community knowledge creation into academic research spaces.

The following guidelines are for reference only.

Open grant calls and current application guidelines are available on the Humanities Center InfoReady website:

Publication support grants of up to $2,000 will be awarded for monographs, edited volumes, and articles under contract with a publisher. Grant funds may be used as a subvention to the publisher; towards open-access fees; or for expenses related to preparing the manuscript such as image rights, copy-editing and/or indexing.

Exceptional requests:

  • Requests will be considered for up to an additional $2,000 for funding for image permissions expenses and image reproduction costs related to monograph and article publication.
  • Requests will be considered for up to an additional $3,000 for open-access fees when open-access meets a particular need beyond the intrinsic value of open-access.

Eligibility: Academic Senate faculty with an appointment in the UCI School of Humanities are eligible to apply for a publication support grant through the Humanities Center. 

The following guidelines are for reference only.

Open grant calls and current application guidelines are available on the Humanities Center InfoReady website:

Faculty Developmental Editing Grants support up to 50% of the cost (maximum $3,000) for assistant professors and newly tenured associate faculty in the School of Humanities to work with a developmental editor on a book manuscript project. Developmental editors provide detailed editorial feedback, assist with big-picture issues, and advise on structuring and restructuring of a manuscript. This grant supports developmental editing for writing progress at various stages, including book proposal, draft stage, before submission, and after external review and peer-review feedback.

Eligibility: Academic Senate faculty with a primary appointment in the UCI School of Humanities. Assistant rank faculty who are working on their first book project towards tenure may apply to work with a developmental editor at any stage. Applications from faculty at Associate Level I to Associate Level II applying to work with a developmental editor on their second book project at the book proposal or draft stage will also be considered.

Assistant professors may use startup funds allocated for a manuscript workshop towards the cost of a developmental editor.

The following guidelines are for reference only.

Open grant calls and current application guidelines are available on the Humanities Center InfoReady website:

Faculty Research Grants support expenses related to scholarly research projects, including flights, ground transportation and lodging for research travel; archival and copying fees; the purchase of supplies directly related to the project; translation and transcription of research materials; and research assistants, including summer GSR stipends. For collaborative research projects between SOH faculty and faculty from other UCI Schools or universities, grant funds may only be applied to SOH faculty expenses. Collaborative research projects are expected to produce a joint scholarly product.

Research cannot be used for travel to conferences, food expenses or per diem during travel or for the purchase of computers or other devices. Apply separately for Conference Travel and Computing grants.


Academic Senate faculty with an appointment in the UCI School of Humanities are eligible to apply for faculty research grants through the Humanities Center.  Faculty research grants are awarded from funds allocated to the School of Humanities from the Academic Senate’s Committee on Research, Computing and Libraries (CORCL). The committee will take into consideration evidence of effective use of previous grants as demonstrated in final reports from previous grants.

The following guidelines are for reference only.

Open grant calls and current application guidelines are available on the Humanities Center InfoReady website:

Grant funds may be used towards conference registration, travel expenses, lodging at the conference, association membership dues necessary to present at a conference, and conference meals if they are part of the official program. They may not be used for meals while traveling or per diem while attending the conference. Faculty giving presentations will receive priority over those serving as chairs or discussants. 

Faculty may request reimbursement for conferences attended during the designated time period or for upcoming conferences. If you already received CORCL funding for a particular conference, you cannot receive additional CORCL funding for the same conference.

Faculty may request funding to support graduate student conference travel. However, this expense must be included as part of the total request.

Eligibility: Academic Senate faculty with primary appointments in the UCI School of Humanities are eligible to apply for faculty grants through the Humanities Center.  Faculty conference travel grants are awarded from funds allocated to the School of Humanities from the Academic Senate’s Committee on Research, Computing and Libraries (CORCL).

Check back in AY 24-25.

For instructions and to apply, visit:

The following guidelines are for reference only.
The purpose of the one-day manuscript workshop is to provide mid-career UCI Humanities faculty with substantive and constructive feedback from scholars in the field on a substantial draft of a second book manuscript in preparation for submission to a publisher for a contract or for publication.  The grant is intended to fund travel expenses, lodging and honoraria for 2-3 invited scholars, as well as meals and refreshments during the workshop. The workshop itself is limited to the faculty member, invited scholars, and up to 2 other guests whom the faculty member would like to include. The maximum amount for the manuscript workshop is $5,000. Faculty recipients must be prepared to submit a substantial draft of a book manuscript two months before the workshop (e.g., January 15, 2021, for a March 15, 2021 workshop).

Contact Amanda Swain or 824-1948 with questions.

Academic Senate faculty with an appointment in the UCI School of Humanities at Associate Level III to Associate Level V who are currently completing their second book project.

Fall 2023 Faculty Conference Travel Grants

Last Name First Name Rank Primary Unit
Gutierrez Arcelia Assistant Film & Media Studies
Acosta Camille Assistant Art History
Lapin Dardashti Abigail Assistant Art History
Osorio G. Silva Luiza Assistant Art History
Montero Roman Valentina Assistant English
Kamil Meryem Assistant Film & Media Studies
Jung Gabrielle Assistant Art History
Trigos Mercedes Assistant English
Jean-Louis Felix Assistant History
De Vera Samantha Assistant History
Quintana Isabela Assistant Asian American Studies
Mor Liron Associate Comparative Literature
Morales-Rivera Santiago Associate Spanish & Portuguese
Mimura Glen Associate Film & Media Studies
Karanika Andromache Associate Classics
LONG MARGHERITA Associate East Asian Studies
Mahieux Viviana Associate Spanish & Portuguese
Boncompagni  Anna Associate Philosophy
Giannopoulou Zina Associate Classics
O'Toole Rachel Associate History
Rosas Ana Associate History
Tinsman Heidi Full History
Lee James Full Asian American Studies
Hart Gail Full European Languages & Studies
Ruberg Bo Full Film & Media Studies
Sefami Jacobo Full Spanish & Portuguese

Winter 2024 Faculty Conference Travel Grants

Last Name First Name Rank Primary Unit
Aguilar Kevan Assistant History
Carroll Alicia Assistant Comparative Literature
De Vera Samantha Assistant History
Grady Kyle Assistant English
Jung Gabrielle Assistant Art History
Lapin Dardashti Abigail Assistant Art History
Miller Rasul Assistant History
Montero Roman Valentina Assistant English
Osorio G. Silva Luiza Assistant Art History
Du Qian Associate Global Languages & Communication
Hatch Kristen Associate Film & Media Studies
Helfer Rebeca Associate English
Izenberg Oren Associate English
Karanika Andromache Associate Classics
O'Toole Rachel Associate History
Perlman Allison Associate History
Raphael Renee Associate History
Amiran Eyal Full Comparative Literature
Benamou Catherine Full Film & Media Studies
Coller Ian Full History
Gross Daniel Full English
Ruberg Bo Full Film & Media Studies
Winther Tamaki Bert Full Art History
Zissos Paul Full Classics

Winter 2024 Faculty Research Grants

Last Name First Name Rank Primary Unit
De Vera Samantha Assistant History
Grady Kyle Assistant English
Aguilar Kevan Assistant History
Jung Gabrielle Assistant Art History
Lapin Dardashti Abigail Assistant Art History
Trigos Mercedes Assistant English
Carroll Alicia Assistant Comparative Literature
Montero Roman Valentina Assistant English
Acosta Camille Assistant Art History
Miller Rasul Assistant History
Schields Chelsea Associate History
Fedman David Associate History
O'Toole Rachel Associate History
Du Qian Associate Global Languages & Communication
Scheper Jeanne Associate Gender & Sexuality Studies
Nisbet James Associate Art History
Ruberg Bo Full Film & Media Studies
Benamou Catherine Full Film & Media Studies
Dimendberg Edward Full Art History
Farmer Sarah Full History
Winther Tamaki Bert Full Art History
Patel Alka Full Art History
Coller Ian Full History
Shemek Deanna Full Center for the Study of Early Cultures