Join Amanda Swain, Humanities Center, and Christopher Fan, Associate Professor of English and 2022 New Directions Fellowship recipient, for an info session about the Mellon Foundation New Directions Fellowship program.
The Mellon Foundation has invited UCI to submit one faculty nominee for a New Directions Fellowship. The fellowship provides support for exceptional faculty members in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who received their doctorates between 2012 and 2018. In addition to facilitating the work of individual faculty members, these awards should benefit scholarship in the humanities more generally by encouraging the highest standards in cross-disciplinary research. Fellows undertake systematic training beyond their fields of specialization to acquire the new competencies needed for the pursuit of a cross-disciplinary research agenda. This fellowship does not aim to facilitate short-term outcomes, such as completion of a book. Rather, it is a longer-term investment in the scholar’s intellectual range and productivity.
The UCI nominee will be selected through an internal proposal submission and review process. Proposals much be submitted by Monday, September 9th, 11:59 pm through the Humanities Center grant application portal. Detailed guidelines and application instructions are available on the Humanities Center's grant application portal https://ucihumanities.infoready4.com/. Contact Amanda Swain at ajswain@uci.edu with questions.