As part of its mission to spark new knowledge, foster vibrant intellectual communities, and inspire conversations that matter, the Humanities Center awards grants to School of Humanities graduate students to support research travel and activities that build intellectual community. The Humanities Center's graduate student grants are funded through the UCI Office of Research and the UC Humanities Network.

If you have questions about graduate student grants, contact Amanda Swain at
The graduate student research grant cycle takes place annually in winter quarter. Building Intellectual Community grants are available in fall and spring quarters. All open grant calls are available on the Humanities Center InfoReady website:

Graduate Student Grants

The following guidelines are for reference only.

Open grant calls and current application guidelines are available on the Humanities Center InfoReady website:

Faculty and/or graduate collaborations may apply for up to $2,000. Centers and research clusters already supported by the Humanities Center may apply for up to $1,500.

The Humanities Center supports collaborations that foster vibrant intellectual communities. The new Building Intellectual Community grants provide funding for limited-term sets of activities that bring together colleagues on the UCI campus, in the Southern California region, or from elsewhere to engage in discussion and collaborative activities around a shared intellectual interest. These grants replace the previous Collaborative Conference grants by expanding the range of activities that can be funded and clarifying the purpose of the funding.

These collaborations should engage faculty and graduate students across disciplines. Building Intellectual Community grants may be used to support:

  • academic conferences, symposia or colloquia;
  • a series of events, such as speakers or film screenings, with a unifying theme during a quarter or the academic year;
  • academic trainings (such as new methodologies across disciplines);
  • work groups for fields that cross disciplines.

Building Intellectual Community grants may also be used for limited-term activities that bring humanities research to public spaces or community knowledge creation into academic research spaces.

The following guidelines are for reference only.

Open grant calls and current application guidelines are available on the Humanities Center InfoReady website:

Graduate students in the UCI School of Humanities who have achieved PhD candidacy are eligible to apply for Individual Research grants (max award $3,000) through the Humanities Center.  Graduate students may receive only ONE Individual Research during their graduate studies. 

Grant funds may be used for research travel, such as flights, ground transportation, and lodging; archival and copying fees; and other research expenses, such as translation or transcription.  Grant funds may not be used to pay for summer living expenses, language study, travel to a conference, food or per diem while traveling, or equipment.


Narrative Description (two page maximum):

  • Please provide a description of your dissertation project, what you plan to accomplish with the grant funds and how these activities are necessary to your dissertation project.

Project Budget (one page maximum):

  • Please provide a list of all project expenses, identifying which expenses will be paid by the grant and which expenses will be paid by other funds. 
  • Please list other funds – both received and pending – that will be used for this project.

Letter of Support from Dissertation Advisor or Faculty Supervisor:

  • In addition to your application, your dissertation advisor or chair must send a brief email to Anat Schwartz ( indicating support for the application, including why these activities are necessary to complete your dissertation.