To support instructors in their preparation as they prepare for distance learning courses this fall, the School of Humanities Teacher Lab provides summer support with three DTEI trained fellows.

What We Can Do: One-on-One Consultations

Basic Help Specific Help Big Help
Getting started in Canvas Making your Canvas class space distance learning friendly Redesign your syllabus using Backward Lesson Design
Making my first Yuja recording Make recorded material interactive with an integrated Yuja video quiz Determine what mode of distance learning works best for you
How to use zoom to schedule synchronous class meetings Using Zoom, specifically breakout rooms and polls to keep students engaged How to be student-centered synchronously or asynchronously

How It Works

  1. You select and email a member of the team to schedule a planning session.
  2. We meet for thirty minutes to develop a plan.
  3. After the first consultation, we will develop a plan to meet your needs.
  4. We provide your desired level of support throughout the summer.
  5. Our focus will be to develop active learning activities that match your specific course.

What We Can Do: Small Group Workshops

Email Miguel ( and schedule a workshop (for your small group) on one of the following topics:
  1. Using Zoom to Flip Your Class: Jigsaw Reading to Make Class Active and Student-Centered
  2. How to Easily Make Synchronous Class Student-Centered: Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Design
  3. How to Create a Learning Game using Kahoots and integrate using Zoom
  4. How to Use Flipgrid to Build a Sense of Community through Video Posting
  5. Save Time and Comment Effectively: Using Studio and Feed-Forward Commenting Practices

Meet the Team

Clay, history consultantClay
Specialization: History
Raquel, language studies consultant
Specialization: Language Studies


Miguel, literature and cultural studies
Specialization: Literature and Cultural Studies