
In 1971, the Black Panther Party (BPP) founded its longest running social service program, the Oakland Community School (OCS), which operated for eleven years and served as a model for education for Black and poor children living in urban communities. 

Working with the OCS Project, LLC and members of the UCI faculty and staff knowledgeable in the areas of ethic studies, film and media studies, digital humanities, and archives, research fellows will gain an understanding of community-centered archives, digital humanities, and storytelling through a combination of workshops, reading groups, discussions, guest presentations, and project assignments (practicum). Project assignments will focus on:

  1. Exploring and contributing to a BPP/OCS chronology and a digitized archive of BPP and OCS-related documents, photos, and video
  2. Contributing to a documentary about the OCS 
  3. Assisting in the creation of a web-based yearbook project that features former students, teachers, and community supporters

Apply by February 28, 2022: https://bit.ly/BPOCSSummer2022

OCS Podcast
To hear BPOCS 2021 Summer Fellows reflect on their experiences through the new OCS Project Podcast, "In Their Own Words," go here. Launching February 1, 2022

The summer fellowship will be supervised by members of the Black Panther Oakland Community School: Community Archives, Activism, and Storytelling Research Cluster: 

  • Desha Dauchan (ddauchan@uci.edu), assistant professor of teaching in the department of film and media studies, UCI
  • Angela LeBlanc-Ernest (info@theOCSProject.org), founder of the Oakland Community School Documentary Project and co-founder of the Intersectional Black Panther Party Research Project.
  • Krystal Tribbett (ktribbet@uci.edu), curator for Orange County Regional History and research librarian for Orange County
  • Tatiana Bryant (tatiana.bryant@uci.edu), research librarian for digital humanities, history, and African American studies, UCI 
  • Judy Tzu-Chun Wu (j.wu@uci.edu), professor of Asian American studies and director of the Humanities Center, UCI

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