2025 Essay & Poetry Prizes

The English department wishes to recognize the creativity of its undergraduate students and continue to foster the talent of our poets and essayists. You are invited to apply to the following prizes. 

The Howard Babb Memorial Essay Prize is open to all Humanities Undergraduate Students. The best essay or research paper will be awarded a financial award. The essay or research paper has no minimum of maximum length, but should have some bearing on the topic of literature. 

The Brett Baldwin Prize in Poetry is open to all Humanities Undergraduate Students. Students may submit a total of 3 poems not to exceed a total of 10 pages. One winner will receive a financial award.

The James McMichael Prize for Excellence in Poetry requires completion of one course from Writing 30 or Writing 90 by the end of Winter 2025 in order to apply.  Students may submit a total of 3 poems not to exceed a total of 10 pages. First place will receive a financial award.

The Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Poetry also requires completion of one course from Writing 30 or  Writing 90 by the end of Winter 2025 in order to apply.  Students may submit a total of 3 poems not to exceed a total of 10 pages.  First place will receive a financial award.

For additional submission information, please click on the submission links of the desired prize. The names of the prizes are the submission links. 

The deadline for submission for all awards will be TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2025.

May the odds be ever in your favor!