Please refer to the ICWT website for more information.

Mason Boyles
Four Views of a Noon is a novel that imagines a link between Shipibo textiles and the patchwork designs of the North Carolina Lumbee, following the journey of a Peruvian weaver and his descendants over the course of four separate centuries.

Katherine Damm
I am working on a novel set in contemporary Germany featuring an American au pair. Through this narrative, I am especially interested in representing language acquisition using a first-person voice, as well as exploring how the international perception of Americans abroad might influence a young person's own civic awakening.

Zainab Hussein
“The Tyranny of Strangers” is a book-length project that focuses on time, movement, and God through the story of an Iraqi family.

Maggie Love
I will travel to Japan to add a dimension of authenticity to my novel in progress, which is centered on a father and former Air Force member who lived in Misawa and Tokyo in the 1980s. My goal, in experiencing Japan for the first time as a twenty-something African American, is to gain insights into a transformational moment in my character's life.

Justine Yan
Through writing prose and poetry, I will attempt to tell historic and contemporary stories of migration between southern China and the western United States. I've received a 2020-2021 Fulbright fellowship in China, which will support the interviews, architectural study, and archival research I plan on doing in the migrant villages of Taishan (Toisan) County. The Schaeffer Fellowship will support the portion of my research to take place over the summer in California--collecting artifacts and conducting oral histories with extended relatives who are a part of the longstanding Toisanese diaspora in southern California.