Faculty conference grants support travel expenses, lodging at the conference, and conference registration fees. Preferences: junior and mid-career scholars attending national or major associational conferences in order to advance their research agenda; senior scholars engaged in a new research trajectory attending conferences specific to anew field or who are serving in governance capacity with the scholarly association sponsoring the conference. Faculty giving presentations will receive priority over those serving as chairs or discussants.
Faculty conference travel grants are funded through an allocation from CORCL. Academic Senate faculty with appointments in the UCI School of Humanities are eligible to apply for faculty grants through the Humanities Commons.
Faculty may request reimbursement for conferences attended since July 1, 2016 or for upcoming conferences in 2017. Conferences prior to July 1, 2016 are not eligible for reimbursement. Faculty may apply for funding for up to two conferences. However, in order to fund as many requests as possible, the committee may choose to fund only one conference per faculty member.
Guidelines and application instructions are available at https://www.humanities.uci.edu/commons/rand/index.php
Faculty conference travel grants are funded through an allocation from CORCL. Academic Senate faculty with appointments in the UCI School of Humanities are eligible to apply for faculty grants through the Humanities Commons.
Faculty may request reimbursement for conferences attended since July 1, 2016 or for upcoming conferences in 2017. Conferences prior to July 1, 2016 are not eligible for reimbursement. Faculty may apply for funding for up to two conferences. However, in order to fund as many requests as possible, the committee may choose to fund only one conference per faculty member.
Guidelines and application instructions are available at https://www.humanities.uci.edu/commons/rand/index.php