The Ridge to Reef program at UC Irvine is soliciting applications for Fall 2018 admission. R2R is a new National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) designed to train the next generation of scholars to solve environmental problems affecting terrestrial, freshwater, marine, and urban ecosystems from the mountains to the coastal ocean.

School of Humanities PhD students (both pre- and post-dissertation) with an interest in science communications and environmental policy and management are eligible to participate in UCI’s Ridge to Reef program. All R2R graduate students – including humanities PHD students – are eligible for fellowship opportunities ($34,000/year + tuition/fees) in Year 2 of the program or in the following year. Humanities graduate students will also be eligible to participate in R2R summer programs and workshops. See all training opportunities here.

Humanities graduate students will be required to participate in Year 1 and Year 2 program training elements to receive a certificate of program completion:

Year 1
Fall Communication skills (ECO EVO 203A)
Winter Policy course (POL 221)
**The Spring course on Ecosystem ecology (ESS 264) is optional for Humanities graduate students with a science background.

Year 2
Fall, Winter, Spring 3 qtr. environmental solutions practicum (collaborative project as cohort)
Summer Internship in science communications or environmental management with nonprofit organization, government agency or industry partner

Application Deadline: May 28, 2018 | To apply, go to R2R Admissions

Questions? Contact R2R Director, Dr. Steven Allison, at
or visit for more information.