We're excited to be launching the second year of OpEd Workshops and invite applications from faculty and postdoctoral fellows at UC campuses for the Spring 2017 workshops.  Our fellows from the Spring 2016 workshops have already published 24 articles since the workshops, including a recent article in Newsweek on undocumented students.

The workshops we offer this spring will build participants' capacity to translate their research for the public, bringing the humanities to bear on public debate. Our focus will be on increasing underrepresented voices in the media. Working in partnership with The OpEd Project, we will host three one-day workshops led by OpEd Project facilitators at UC Irvine, UC Merced, and UC Santa Cruz, with approximately 20 fellows in each workshop, from a total of nine participating campuses (including UCSF, UCSB, UCD, UCR, UCSD, and UCLA). After the 1-day workshop, fellows will have access to a yearlong mentorship with media mentors through the OpEd Project.  Participants traveling to attend the workshop at another campus may receive limited travel support to offset the costs of travel if their campus is not hosting a workshop. 

Requirements of the program include:
1) Attend a 1-day workshop
2) Draft an Op-Ed within three months following the workshop
3) Connect with a media mentor through the OpEd Project within three months following the workshop

Workshop locations and dates are:
UC Merced: April 14, 2017
UC Santa Cruz: June 9, 2017
UC Irvine: June 16, 2016

The application deadline is Feb. 1, 2017. Faculty and postdoctoral fellows from UCM, UCSD, UCLA, UCSB, UCD, UCSC, UCR, UCSF, and UCI can apply online.
Please contact with any questions about the online application process.

UC Humanities Op Ed 2017