The UCI Humanities Commons is participating in Write to Change the World, a series of workshops for humanities faculty by the OpEd Project. The workshops will build UC faculty's capacity to translate their research for the public. The OpEd Project is a community of journalists and thought leaders who actively share their skills, resources and connections to train underrepresented experts to take thought leadership positions in their fields. The Humanities Commons will provide travel and lodging funding for UCI humanities faculty selected to participate in a workshop.

Applications due to UC Merced by February 1, 2016 - apply online here.

Invitational Priorities
  • sustainability and the environment
  • social justice and inequality
  • big data and digital humanities
  • public health and medical humanities
  • arts and public life
  1. Attend a 1-day workshop
  2. Draft an Op-Ed within three months following the workshop
  3. Connect with a media mentor through the OpEd Project within three months following the workshop
Dates and Locations

UC Merced: April 29, 2016

UC Davis: May 23, 2016

UCLA: June 10, 2016