The Department is strongly committed to providing financial support to both incoming and continuing graduate students in the form of fellowships and graduate teaching assistantships. In recent years, the Department has been successful in admitting first year students on full or partial fellowships, and/or teaching assistantships. A number of generous fellowships, combined with multiple-year teaching assistant packages, are available to first year students. These fellowships cover in-state fees and in many cases non-resident tuition, and health insurance.
The Diversity Program also awards fellowships to both new and continuing students who can demonstrate that they have overcome socioeconomic and educational limitations. Diversity Fellowships for entering students cover in-state fees, health insurance and are accompanied by multiple-year teaching assistant packages from the Department of English. For more information on the Diversity fellowships available at UCI, please click here. If you think you might qualify for one of these fellowships please make sure you complete the "Personal History" section of the online graduate application, and indicate your interest there.
In addition to fellowships provided by UCI, a number of first-year students have entered the program with fellowships, including the Mellon, Javits, Pew and others from outside sources. The University provides generous support for advanced students through various fellowships and research grants, including the Regents’ Dissertation Fellowship, the Strauss Fellowship, the Humanities Alumni Fund Dissertation Fellowship, and Summer Dissertation Fellowships. Recent dissertation students have received Fulbright, Newcomb, and other fellowships.
Teaching Assistantships
The Department endeavors to provide teaching assistantship support for up to fifteen quarters. In 2021-2022 teaching assistants earned $23,200 for the full year for one course per quarter. In addition to the salary, teaching assistants receive payment of partial in-state fees and health insurance. The campus-wide limit for such teaching awards is eighteen quarters (6 years). Annual renewal of an appointment is contingent upon satisfactory teaching performance, a good academic record, and funding. The faculty considers teaching experience to be an essential part of the graduate student's education toward the advanced degree.
Graduate Student Housing
Ph.D. students will be offered an on-campus housing guarantee for one year less than normative time to degree. More information can be found here. For general information about graduate student housing, including application information, photos, floorplans, and a guide to off-campus housing, please click here.