The Program in Global Languages & Cultures (GLC) at UC Irvine offers courses in a range of languages (Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Tagalog, Vietnamese) along with graduate and undergraduate courses in academic English for multilingual students. Our courses for graduate students in academic English include introduction to graduate writing, thesis/dissertation writing, writing for scholarly publication, along with courses in speaking/listening. We also offer a range of academic English undergraduate courses in academic writing and reading/vocabulary. The Program also provides international graduate students who plan to become teaching assistants with an assessment program and support tutorials.

GLC’s instructional staff includes teacher-scholars with doctoral degrees from top universities across the US and around the world. Our instructors frequently present their scholarship at selective national and international conferences and have published such scholarship in prestigious peer-reviewed journals. Our instructors have additionally been recognized for their achievements through local and international teaching awards, along with appointments to leadership positions in inter/national teaching associations.

Our Program is guided by an overarching philosophy that views all the languages of the world, along with their respective registers, including English and “academic English,” in a horizontal and non-hierarchical, as opposed to vertically stratified, relationship with one another. The Program offers language instruction and support that facilitates knowledge production and interaction across cultural difference while also partnering with campus and community stakeholders to promote the affordances of linguistic plurality and positively shape the campus and local community climate around the realities of multilingualism.

Our main program office is located in the Humanities Instructional Building (HIB), room 335.