Refer to the Language Placement Chart below to determine appropriate placement in Language other than English courses at UCI. For detailed policies regarding language placement and course credit, please review the "Language Other Than English Placement and Progression" tab on the School of Humanities page in the UCI General Catalog.
For languages not offered at UCI, refer to the Academic Testing Center.
School Requirement for Humanities Majors
Students in a School of Humanities major must complete college-level course work equivalent to UCI's sixth quarter of study in a language other than English, or equivalent competence.
It is highly recommended that students determine how to meet the requirement early in their academic career. Failure to enroll in prerequisite courses and/or take placement exams in a timely fashion can result in a delay in graduation.
The requirement may be satisfied by:
- Completion of 2C level or second year Latin/Greek (100 & 103 & 103) or (100 & 104 & 104) or (100 & 103 & 104). The final course must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a grade of C or better. NOTE: Students are responsible for completing required prerequisite courses.
- Advanced Placement score of 4 or 5 on any of the following AP exams: French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish approved can be found here.
- International Baccalaureate Higher Level Exam score as approved here (scroll down past the AP Score details).
- Approved courses from other colleges.
- Demonstrated proficiency above the 2C level as determined by UCI Placement Exam results. (Current test schedule can be found on the Academic Testing Center website).
- Completion of 2 or more years of high school or college at an institution where the language of instruction was not English (official transcripts must be submitted to UCI).
General Education Category VI: Language Other Than English
Non-Humanities majors who need to fulfill UCI's General Education Category VI. Language Other Than English with transfer courses that are not already articulated on can contact the department of the language directly to have course equivalency determined. Non-Humanities majors should contact their home school academic counselors regarding options to fulfill this category and updating DegreeWorks.
NOTE: No credit will be awarded for completion of courses at the improper level.
- If you repeat a language course for which you have already received college credit (from the AP exam or from a transferable college course taken at another institution), you will not earn unit or grade point credit for repeating the course at UCI. Based on placement exam results, some students may be required to repeat coursework for no credit.
- For languages that do not require placement testing, one year of high school language study is equivalent to one quarter at UCI. A student may “go back” one quarter and earn credit for a course which is one level lower than where they are placed. For example, three years of high school French is equivalent to French 1A-1B-1C, so the appropriate course to enroll in at UCI is 2A but a student may earn credit for beginning at French 1C.
- You will not receive credit for taking a lower-level course once a more advanced level has been completed, nor will you receive credit for taking more than one level of the same language concurrently.
- Students with AP or IB exam scores should consult the Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Credit page of the UCI General Catalogue for unit credit and course equivalency. Students cannot earn units or grade points at UCI in courses for which they have received equivalent credit through AP or IB exam credit. (Note: Because AP language exams award a maximum of 8 units, students with AP language scores of 4 or 5 may receive credit for the 2C level of that language if placed there at UCI.)
Once you have passed a course in a language sequence, you must progress in the language from that point forward. You will not receive credit for a course lower in the sequence than the one already passed.
Grading Policy
Language courses must be taken in order. You must earn a grade of C (or P) or better in each language other than English course in order to advance to the next level. If you wish to repeat a deficient grade (defined as C- or lower) in one of these classes, it must be repeated prior to continuing on to the next course in the sequence.
Humanities majors must take the sixth quarter language course for a letter grade, if intended to count toward the School's Language other than English requirement. For more information, please refer to the requirements outlines in the General Catalogue.
Course Offerings
These are general guidelines for Language other than English course offerings. Always check the Schedule of Classes to verify which courses will actually be offered during each quarter.
- Language courses may be available during Summer Session in an intensive form.