4th Lecture in Ethical Innovations
Shri Parshvanath Presidential Chair in Jain Studies
Building the South Asian Organ Donor Community
Monday, November 25 | 12:00-1:15pm
Zoom Webinar
For many patients who need an organ, stem cell, or bone marrow transplant, the best match may come from a donor from the same ethnic background. Nearly 60% of people on U.S. transplant waiting lists come from minority communities, and many have longer wait times for matched donors. In this event we explore how those with South Asian ethnic ancestry specifically (and any minority ancestry generally) can be the key to unlocking someone's cure and healing. Please spread the word and join us for a conversation about the need for and process of donation, with time to address your questions and concerns.
Nitin Shah, M.D.
Anesthesiology & Critical Care, Loma Linda University
Anekant Community Center
Aparigraha Foundation
Brianne Donaldson, PhD
UCI Shri Parshvanath Presidential Chair in Jain Studies
Sister of a Donor
Adam Kendall, M.D.
One Legacy, Organ, Eye, Tissue Donation Palliative Care
Spouse of a Donor
Prafula Shah
Jain Hindu Organ Donation Alliance, U.K.
Living Donor
Sid Anwar
Team Liyna Life Savers Foundation
Father of Liyna Anwar
This event is sponsored by:
UCI Religious Studies
Center for Health Ethic at UCI
Wen Public Health
UCI Center for Medical Humanities
Anekant Community Center
Aparigraha Foundation